I’d be obligated to feel a sort of oblong loneliness

if my time came

in a shape

and if longing

was used for distance

the way shortening is

Lost sense of self

Open and accepting to perception


But what kind of miracle of arrangement and time 

Brought atoms to form into a being

In which we could exist together

From a scientific standpoint, the formation of complex beings can be understood through the process of evolution. Starting with simple single-celled organisms, life on Earth evolved through a series of genetic mutations, natural selection, and adaptation to the environment. Gradually, organisms became more complex, leading to the development of diverse species, including humans. The intricate arrangement of atoms and molecules within our bodies is a result of this evolutionary process, driven by the fundamental principles of biology and chemistry.

From a philosophical perspective, the question of how atoms formed into beings capable of existence touches upon the concept of emergence. Emergence refers to the phenomenon where complex properties or behaviors arise from the interactions of simpler components. In this view, life and consciousness emerge from the fundamental interactions of atoms and molecules in a way that cannot be fully explained by reducing everything to its basic building blocks. The complexity and interconnectedness of these components give rise to higher-level phenomena, such as self-awareness and the capacity to perceive and contemplate the nature of existence.

In contemplating the miracle of arrangement and time that allowed us to exist together, we can also consider the notion of interconnectedness. We are all interconnected in the vast web of existence, from the shared atoms in our bodies to the interdependence of ecosystems on Earth. Our existence is shaped by an intricate tapestry of events, circumstances, and interactions throughout the history of the universe.

Moreover, the human capacity for perception and self-reflection adds another layer to our understanding of existence. Our ability to perceive the world and reflect upon our own experiences allows us to develop a sense of self. However, this sense of self can also be fluid and influenced by external perceptions and experiences. The concept of minimalism can be seen as an approach to strip away external influences and distractions, enabling us to explore our true essence and connect with a deeper sense of self.

Through scientific understanding, evolutionary processes can shed light on the formation of complex life forms. Philosophically, concepts such as emergence and interconnectedness contribute to our understanding of existence. Ultimately, our ability to perceive and reflect upon our experiences allows us to develop a sense of self, while practices like minimalism can help us connect with our inner essence and navigate the complexities of existence.


Lea’s formation of ceramics is a practice of non interference and acceptance of nature found as a relic before beauty.

Mimicking what is found, something that may not have been touched. Something far from human in the timeline of evolution and development of diverse species, before mutation and manipulation. Maybe a time where not much existed, without history or tradition, an unexplainable emergence where consciousness had little interaction. 

Her purpose past design and functionality, is the physicality of ceramics as a keepsake. The simplest purpose of our short existence is to understand the phenomenon of connection and understanding.